Saturday, July 23, 2011

Some information you can actually use....

In most parts of the US this has been one of the hottest years on record, with little relief in sight.  We've all parked our car out in the sun while we went in to work, shop, etc, then come back to find it scorching hot inside, even with one of those aluminized sun shields in the front window.  And tinted windows help, but....

To cool things off in a hurry, try this:  When you return to your car, open a window on one side of the car, then on the other side open and close the door 5 times.  This turns over the air much faster and cools things off in a fraction of the time.

You can see a demonstration for yourself by visiting The Presurfer here.  The video has Japanese titles, but you can still get the idea.  I'm going to give this solution a great workout.  Anything to beat this miserable Texas heat!



  1. When I worked in Palm Springs four three years the value of shade to park was worth more than the real estate in Indian Wells. Hot Hot Hot. It's not much better here even in the shade.

  2. Leave it to the Japanese to find a good, but weird solution :-)

  3. we had record hot temps (for German standards) in April/May, now it's cold (54°F this morning) and rainy... one of the worst summers here ever!

  4. I'm a big presurfer fan. He always finds the most amazing things.
