Saturday, October 13, 2012

No "Get Out of Jail Free" pass! Lock her up!

The local news has recently been dominated by the trial of a woman who "super-glued" her little 2-year old daughter's hands to the wall, then beat her into a coma.  The child finally made it to a hospital where she is still recovering.

The mother claimed she was sexually abused as a child, which made her act this way.  She claims she has now been through counseling and that she is no longer "a monster".  At least that was her defense in court.  A jury didn't buy it and found her guilty anyway and the judge yesterday sentenced her to 99 years in prison, making her ineligible for parole for 30 years.  Some (her family) were outraged at the severity of the sentence.

I have absolutely no problem with the sentence.  I don't care what happened to her as a child, horrible as I'm sure her abuse was, that should not excuse how she acts today.  Those are two completely separate issues.  Even if she has been successfully counseled, for the sake of her children (5), I'm not willing to chance it.


Scheduling conflict....Grandson Parker has a soccer game today at 11 am.  The Texas/Oklahoma game is today at 11 am.   Parker plays 8 games this year.   Texas/OU play once this year.  Conflict solved.  ;)


Do local TV stations have "fashion consultants" to advise their anchor people?  I'm watching a guy this morning who's wearing a conservative suit, blue tie....and orange socks.  He had to sit in a chair instead of just sitting behind his desk to interview a particular guest, and his dayglo socks show.  I wonder if they were the only clean socks he had in his drawer this morning?


It's State Fair time.....only one week left.  WWSD?  (What Will Scott Do)



  1. Throw away the key;
    Tape the Football game (What if grandson scores a goal?) Get your priorities straight Scott!
    Orange socks?...It is

  2. Dayglo orange socks are probably the rage right now and we're too out of the loop to know it.

  3. Yup, I agree on the orange socks. Halloween.

    As for the Texas/OU game . . I just checked the score. You should have gone for soccer!

  4. The news of the woman who was sentenced to 99 years made the German newspapers, too.

    Agree on the orange socks. Regarding the State Fair, what did Scott do? Do I foresee a deep-fried Snickers bar in your future?
