Saturday, May 4, 2013

Cars & Coffee, May, one EVER!

First Saturday of the month, 45 degrees and rising, clear sky, calm winds....all the necessary ingredients for a great Cars and Coffee.  With a thousand cars +/- on display, this was petrolhead heaven.

The Plano (TX) PD was there doing some very effective PR work:

 I thought this was pretty clever.

There must have been a Porsche 928 Owners Club meeting there today.  I saw at least a dozen.  Porsche thought this would be the successor to the venerable 911.  They missed by a mile.

A rare $500K Porsche Carerra GT.  Impressive, but I think I could find better car(s) to drop a half-mil on.

Can you imagine shoe-horning a V-8 into a MGB GT?  British Leyland somehow managed it.  The weight distribution must have been awful.  (Hate the wheels.  Blech!)

Hard as I try, I just can't get excited about the new-generation Lamborghini's.  I just don't get that "Transformers" look.  I much prefer this cleaner, older-style Murcielago.

While this Maserati GT body style has been out for about 5 years now, I still never tire looking at it.  *sigh*

'Course, the Aston Martin Vanquish gets my juices flowing, too.  British Racing Green for me, please.

A Ferrari 458 Italia Spyder.  While I have excellent credit, I'm not sure USAA would up my credit limit to $291,000.  *curses*

A McLaren MP4-12C.  Can a car be TOO perfect?  (Hint:  yes.)

Until today I'd never seen a BMW Z8 with a removable (?) hardtop.  Convertibles should be ragtops.  Period.  (Unless you're gifting me one.  ;)

A BMW Z3/4 Coupe menage a trois?

You knew you wouldn't get through one of my C&C posts without seeing a Fiat 500, right?  ;)

A very interesting Jaguar Mk ?  Doesn't it just scream BRITISH?  (No...wait...the British don't "scream".  It's much too undignified.)

OK, OK.  I'm a Europhile.  I admit it.  To be fair I took some photos of Detroit iron, too:

If you must have a 'Vette, THIS is the one you want.  A split-window '63.

Remember when GM stood for General Motors, before it became Government Motors?  Remember the Buick Riviera?  And the Pontiac Grand Prix?  If you answered 'yes', you're an old coot like me.  

Or a Studebaker Champion?  These were even before my time.  (OK, this was made in South Bend, IN, not Detroit.  Sue me.  ;)




Over the past year of posting C&C photos one car in particular has popped up more than any other....

....this absolutely pristine Jaguar E-Type V-12.  

Before today I think I've shown this car four times, I like it that much.  It was none other than the legendary Enzo Ferrari who once called the E-Type Jaguar the most beautiful car ever made, and I certainly wouldn't argue that.  Can you believe this design is fifty years old?  It's still stunningly spectacular today!

Several months ago on one of my Cars and Coffee debriefs I received a comment from a reader, "Robert", who said this was his car!  Whoa....needle in a haystack, right?  We made plans to personally meet today at 08:00, and we managed to connect.

What a treat it was to meet him.  Not just because he owns this magnificent automobile, but because he is a thoroughly pleasant gentleman.  He shared with me the history of his car, how he came to own it, the maintenance it requires (not much), and more.  I can't tell you what an interesting visit we had.

Then he made my day.  As we were both about to call it a day and go home, Robert asked me if I would like to go for a spin in his car.  I only had to be asked once! 

Oh my, you should hear this magnificent V-12 engine purr!  Once we cleared the crowd and pulled out of the lot he asked if I'd like to drive it?


I couldn't do it.  I've had manual transmission cars before....that wasn't the problem.  I just couldn't imagine how I could live with myself if I did something dumb and hurt his pride and joy.  I would have to impale myself on a long knife Hara-kiri-style.  (And boy, would K be pissed!  "Knock, knock....Hi.  Are you the widow Park?")

Until today I'd forgotten how excited I was as a kid to run into the den and look under the tree on Christmas morning.  Just sitting in this magnificent automobile, listening to it, smelling it, looking at every toggle, brought back that thrill.

Thanks, Robert, for the ride and most of all just for the "car-guy" camaraderie.  I'm looking forward to us being able to visit again.  

Until June 1, 2013, that's all for Cars and Coffee.  :)


*QUESTION:  I've been playing with my layout width in order to post x-large photos.  Is it too wide now to be seen on your screen without scrolling over?  If so let me know and I'll convert it back the way it was.


  1. I would be afraid to drive it as well.

    How can you tell if the Studebaker is going forward or in reverse?

    1. By which way the driver's head is pointed. ;)

    2. Also, using my super observent talent, I noticed the white lights were on the front, and the red ones were on the back. Not much gets past me! :)

  2. Scott, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting you yesterday, I'll get you in the left seat eventually. Thanks for showing the car in your blog again, I'm just fortunate to have owned it all these years and love to talk about old Jags with new friends.

    1. As mentioned, Robert, it was a real treat to meet you and see again your car "up close and personal". And also, thanks for the heads-up on the British/European Car Show today at White Rock Lake Park. I'm headed that way shortly. Maybe see you there? :)

    2. I'm not able to make it this year but it's always my favorite show, though I liked it better when it was in White Rock Lake Park better than on the lake. Always lots of Brit cars you just don't see at other shows. Both local Jag clubs, the JOASW and JDCNT, are always well represented. I haven't been a member of either in quite a few years but thinking about getting back in it. Have a great time and take a lot of pictures!

  3. Those little Fiats are so darned cute.

  4. I always enjoy your "cars and coffee" posts! Love the idea behind the first picture. :-)

    I'd like the little Fiat as well, can I get one with non-orange wheels?

    And you are right, the British wouldn't scream. They'd be "chuffed."

  5. I like the 928. To me it's a better looking car than any of the 911 variants, and not so common. Did you know the MGB's Rover V8 weighs 40 lbs less than the four banger? If I had to choose between those two cars, I'd pick the Stude instead. Kidding. I'd totally take the 928 :-)

    It's so cool that you got to ride in an E-Type. I'd be thrilled just to get close enough dor some good pics :-)

    1. A V-8 weighs less than a 4 pot? How is that possible? The 928 wasn't a bad car at all. It just never caught on with Porsche enthusiasts. They'll probably still be building a variant of the antique 911 50 years from now.

    2. The four is cast iron, the V8 is aluminum, and only 3.5 L.

  6. That taxi police car is great. I wish we could borrow it for our next National Night Out.

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