Friday, October 4, 2013

History really DOES repeat itself

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

That has been true many times throughout history, the rise of a small group of radical, hate-filled nut cases in 1930's Germany being one of the more prominent recent examples.  Good people sat back, sure that "someone" would step forward and put the embryonic National Socialists (Nazis) in their place.  "Someone" never did and the loud-mouthed Nazis bullied their way into power.

The Tea Party is the Nazi movement of our era.  Just think about the similarites:  Thirty or so Republican congressional bullies led by Rafael "Ted" Cruz (R, TX) and urged on by a core of hate-filled strongly opinionated citizens have stiffled responsible dissent from within their own party, their Storm Troopers threatening to crush anyone who dares cross them in the next election primary.  

They have launched hostilities against their neighbors, and I predict unless a revolt is started soon they will lead their party to ruin, just as Hitler led his country to ruin.

But good news!....a coup d'eta may quietly be underway as I write this.  A growing chorus of thinking congressional Republicans as well as Republican state legislators and state party chairmen are becoming more vocal, speaking up for sanity.  House Speaker John Boner is now saying he will not allow a default on our nation's debt payments.  (Default has been one of the Tea Party's major Weapons of Mass Destruction.)

Two responsible parties working together are good for our country.  (IMO three would be better.)  Are we witnessing the formation of a backbone in Mr. Boner?  If you have a Republican congressman or Senator, I strongly suggest you correspond with them and urge them to show some courage, too.

Our generation's tipping point is right here, right now.



  1. This halting Gvmt tactic has been used by the Democrats many times. It is how they forced Bush 1 to go back on his "no new taxes" pledge. I hope when this is over some sanity will prevail and laws will be drawn up which make this "gamesmanship" either impossible or illegal in the future. Blackmail to force compromise should not be tolerated....I guess it is up to the voters...when shutdown is threatened, those that propose it must never return to DC on the next election.

    1. Understand Cranky. I'm not saying Republicans are Nazis, just that the Tea Party is. This type of extortion by either party is unacceptable.

  2. It's too bad we can't label the Tea Party and Koch Brothers as terrorists. If anything they're hurting America more than bin Laden ever did.

  3. Here's what I don't understand: how is it that people get elected who refuse to accept the fundamental principle of Democracy---majority rule? These Tea Party members are worse than the Nazis and are merely anarchists wanting to bring down the US government. They say they want to reform government but that's a lie.

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