Thursday, May 1, 2014

Go ahead Jerry. Say it. I dare ya....say it.

There might actually be a silver lining to the offensive words uttered by that nut-job owner of the LA Lakers Clippers.  There are probably sports fans everywhere hoping and praying the unpopular owner of their team will say something stupid, too, and get the old heave-ho.  Top 'o my list would be Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.

While I'm not a professional football fan I might actually watch* a Cowboys game instead of Celebrity Ironing or Pimp My Hoveround if I knew Jerry Jones was being held incommunicado somewhere far, far away....such as on an island in the middle of San Francisco Bay.  It's fun to think about, sort of like it's fun to think about winning the lottery.

Hang on friends.  The weekend is almost here.  :)


*Just kidding.  I'm not gonna watch 'em.


  1. It was the Clippers not the Lakers.

    Someone really needs to get working on coming up with some doctored audio of terrible owners saying racist things so they can be drummed out.

    1. Lakers...Clippers. Hey, it's basketball. What do I know? :)

  2. JJ is just a bit too hands on, kinda like a less successful George Steinbrenner, I don't think he is a racist fat cat asshole...but yeah, I know a few Cowboy fans who would like to see a lot less of him.

    Oh, let me be the first to correct you that the other jerkweed owns the Clippers, not the Lakers. What the heck does a rugby fan know.

    1. I stand corrected. Indeed, I haven't watched a basketball game since Jesus was a little boy. I'll go back and edit that right now. Thanks. :)

    2. And my rugby guys could wipe the floor with those gawky bball guys. Just sayin'. ;)

    3. Ha you were the second jerkweed, jerkweed.

    4. Umm...Pat. I think he was calling the owner a jerkweed.

  3. The owner of the Raiders wasn't racist, just old. Al is no longer with us.

  4. It's a shame that racism is alive and well in America. I wonder when we'll outgrow such foolishness.

  5. I'm of the mind that almost* all of us would be in trouble if thoughts could be read. Sterling's failing isn't so much that he's way more hideous than the general population, but just that he was enough of an idiot to let those thoughts escape through his mouth.

    * Excludes Mother Theresa, Fred Rogers, The Dalai Lama, and maybe a few hundred other less-famous folk.

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