Saturday, March 10, 2018

Maybe they can re-name the "Lincoln Bedroom" the "Stormy Daniels Bedroom"

Will somebody please explain to me why we're spending so much time examining the Donald Trump / Stormy Daniels hanky-panky episode?  I mean, if this was the Ronald Reagan / Stormy Daniels hanky-panky episode, or the Jimmah Carter / Stormy Daniels hanky-panky episode, that would be newsworthy.  So he notched another conquest on his bed's headboard.  *yawn*  I doubt it will be his last.  Why are we so shocked when he does sleazy things?   We're talking about Donald John Trump here, who's not exactly known as a pillar of decency and virtue. 

The big takeaway for me is how shallow the Evangelical Right is.  What's important to them is now firmly ensconced in Politics 101:  If you want to get the Faithful's vote, just say "I'm pro-life".  Say it over and over and over, and you'll get the Evangelical Right's vote.  They are one-issue voters.  Yes, it's definitely an important issue, but they're willing to overlook everything else if you'll just say you're against abortion.  Lie, cheat, steal....they don't care.  Grab p___y....they don't care.  Boink porn stars....they don't care.  They still love their Donald Trump, and will happily pass out mulligans to him like they were candy on Halloween.

And for the not-quite-so-pious, just pass out free stuff.  Works every time.  In the 1920's Herbert Hoover campaigned on "a chicken in every pot".  The people evidently liked free chicken as they elected him President.  By 2016 people were wise to the 'ol chicken trick, but they definitely liked them some tax cut!  Mmmmmm!

I think we're about out of political slight-of-hand tricks and hanky-panky distractions.  Now it's time to produce results.  If the economy stays hot, generating lots of new permanent jobs and stock market wealth, if he can squeeze the nukes out of North Korea, if he finally wakes up and de-fangs Vladimir Putin, then President Trump can still have a worthwhile legacy, and maybe even his own "library" some day (sans books, of course).  Maybe he's finally settling into his groove.  *sorry Stormy*



  1. What would a Donald Trump Presidential Library look like? I have visions of neon, an on-site strip club, a golf course, and a McDonald's. No books necessary.

  2. Hmmmm... real or plastic? Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. The paying hush money is a lot more important than the actual sex part.

  4. I know this story makes for some stormy headlines, but I personally believe what happened between Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels is a matter between him and Melania Trump. (On a side note, has anybody asked Melania that same question that they asked Hillary - "Are you going to leave him?")

    I want to know what the Russians are getting from Trump in lieu of hush money... and why.
