Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I want it, I just don't want to pay for it

I don't understand why people are so "anti-tax".  Don't get me wrong, I don't want to pay more than I need to, but the way our system works, if you want something, you have to pay for it.  You want a nice car, you have to pay for it.  A new shirt....get out your checkbook.  If your computer breaks, you have to pay to have it repaired.

In this election season all I hear are Republican candidates (here in Texas at least) say they won't raise gasoline taxes.   Any candidate who says he would raise the gas tax is immediately vilified by the Tea Party, and his chances of winning in November fall to 0. 

Back to my original point:  the same people who are dead set against an increased gas tax are the same ones who complain about potholed streets and our congested roads.  People....where do you think the money comes from to repair potholes and build new roads?  Our state gas tax!  While our increasing population requires more cars, necessitating more roads, causing more wear-and-tear, they're buying fewer gallons of gas (because newer cars get better mileage) and paying less gasoline taxes.  

You want it, you gotta pay for it.  Simple as that.  I don't think these Tea Party-types think things through very well.  They hear "tax" and immediately freak out.  You can't have it both ways.  There is no Street Fairy.



  1. Amen! Although I wish there WERE a street fairy!

  2. I'm with you on this- I don't think anyone likes the idea of raised taxes, but IF it is truly going to benefit the public in general and not lining some politicians pocket, I think people should be more accepting of it..

    With that being said- we pay a road tax here- monthly and based on the weight of your automobile- but I have to say we have GREAT roadways- the gas prices are through the roof and highly taxed and I'm unsure where that money goes...

  3. Yes, taxes are a necessary evil. Both parties always need something to freak out about and it's all a smokescreen anyway.

  4. You and I are in wild agreement, sir.

    Greetings from Minneapolis, where, Lord O Lord, we do pay our taxes,


  5. Hi Pearl. Thanks for visiting. I'll come visit you too. Thanks for the comment.

