Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dan Patrick gives scum a bad name

Dan Patrick is the absolute most disgusting politician I've ever seen, and you know I think they're all scumbags.  Like a lot of politicians he's made "border security" his campaign focal point, because that's pretty much all the good 'ol Bubba's here in Texas like to talk about.  Saying "border security" to a Bubba is like tossing red meat into a lion's cage....they eat it up, and Dan knows it!

So what is it about Dan Patrick that gives "scum" a bad name?  He has a TV ad that shows an ISIS convoy, a stock Google image, with a voice-over that says, "....while ISIS terrorists threaten to cross our border and kill Americans..."  

Really, Dan?  ISIS?  Why don't you just show a beheading, and photoshop it to make it look like it was happening live on the State Capital steps?  And make the victim the sweet, grandmotherly Barbara Bush, while George Sr. sits in his wheelchair nearby and sobs helplessly?  That should be good for a few votes.

This is the most despicable example of fear mongering I've ever seen.  But I'm sure Larry, Daryl, and Daryl are foaming at the mouth, and Dan is lapping up their adoration.  Smooth move, Dan.

I can't wait for Karma to kick in.



  1. You took the words right out of my mouth! Unfortunately, Larry, Daryl, and Daryl are going to believe him.

  2. I've seen worse, but then I'm from New Jersey.

  3. I thought you meant the sports talk host at first.

  4. Like Pat I thought you meant the sports guy too - and I know that a lot of sports guys are pretty conservative, but I was going to be very sad. Glad it's just a garden variety evil lying politician :)

  5. Well, it's right there in the picture. 20,000 Toyota pickup trucks full of crazy ass Islamic fanatics driving across the border. We've heard the border is wide open and there is the proof. I see no fences, no border patrol, nothing in that picture. Better vote for Dan for Lt Gov. and if the governor kicks the bucket, then Dan will halt this crisis and save lives. Think he'll hire me to create his next ad?

  6. Instill fear to get votes...even Hitler knew that back when. It worked, too.

  7. We'd have immigration reform if the Republicans really wanted it. They prefer it as a wedge issue to campaign on.
