Sunday, December 11, 2016

Real, or is Rod Serling just playing with our minds again?

As you may have read in the news, Prez-elect Donald Trump is strongly considering ExxonMobil  CEO  Rex Tillerson to fill the position of Secretary of State.  The argument for him is that he has developed a close relationship with Russia's Vladimir Putin and others of questionable repute, and has a foot already in their door.  The argument against him is that he has a close relationship with Russia's Vladimir Putin and others of questionable repute, and already has a foot in their door.  Those supporting him say that, yes, he is a super-smart businessman and negotiator who has used his skills to benefit ExxonMobil, and he will now be able to use his skills to benefit the USA.

And this, my friends, is the central issue in my dim view of "globalization".  What this argument essentially says is that Exxon is looking out for Exxon, and IBM is looking out for IBM, and Caterpillar is looking out for Caterpillar, etc, and if that means throwing the interests of the United States, the country that has allowed them to grow and thrive, under the bus, so be it.  Shareholders come before fellow countrymen and taxpayers.

I fully understand the Genie is never going back into the bottle.  Globalization is here to stay.  Yes, it has enabled us to buy everyday stuff at Walmart far cheaper than if we made it here, but because of the wet blanket it has put on American worker's incomes, we HAVE to buy stuff cheaper because that's all we can afford.  We're not really any better off.  Well, a few high up the food chain ladder might be, but it has not been across-the-board beneficial to most of us.  We have more cheap "stuff", but at what cost?  More stuff does not necessarily equal a better life.

Have you ever heard of The New World Order?  I have, vaguely, but if I step back and look at where we are today and where it looks like we might be headed, I have to wonder.  Here is the NWO, condensed version:

The conspiracy theorists say The New World Order is a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda that is conspiring to eventually rule the world.  They see this as the culmination of history's progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been purported to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.

Worst case, if I stand back and squint just right, I can sorta see some of this happening right now.  Best case, I advise just kicking back and enjoying (?) the ride, 'cause there's no way us peons are going to stop it.


  1. It's the Lizard Overlords ruling the planet.

  2. I've heard of NWO, I've also heard the moon landing was fake, Elvis is still alive, 911 was a US Government plot, President Obama is Muslim, Hillary is a lesbian who has people killed if they get in her way, Michelle is really a man, John Travolta is gay, and the election was hacked by Russians who managed to connect to multiple voting machines that are not connected to the internet. At least one of these must be true, I read about them on the internet.

  3. You're probably right, and it terrifies me.

  4. "Exxon is looking out for Exxon, and IBM is looking out for IBM, and Caterpillar is looking out for Caterpillar, etc" .... and Trump is looking out for Trump.
    The Russians may not have "connect[ed] to multiple voting machines," however, according to the FBI, CIA, NSA, et al., they certainly did some hacking that influenced the election. One of the payoffs to Putin is the appointment of Tillerson. The relationship gets even cozier, all to the benefit of Trump and his cronies, not the U.S. taxpayers.

  5. The CIA strongly believes Russia tried to influence the election for Trump and now a Putin booster gets one of the highest offices in the American government. Sounds pretty fishy.

  6. The really funny part is Trump and his cronies constantly accused Hillary of being in the middle of the plot to have one global government, and Trump specifically has said that his administration would be 'USA First'. And his voters actually believed him.

  7. That old Chinese curse, May you live in interesting times comes to mind...

  8. Just enjoy life each day and hope USA stays a safe place to live.
