Monday, December 4, 2017

Choose your poison

President Donald Trump, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Speaker Paul Ryan are in an all-out sprint.  They're scared shitless their Republican Party will lose control of one or both houses of Congress within a year.  Their wealthy benefactors....the deep pockets that fund their political careers....are going to be pissed beyond belief if they don't get what they paid for were promised. 

While polls say Democrats are not at all well liked, Republicans are even deeper in the hole.  A flip of just 2 Senate seats and a handful in the House of Representatives to the Democrats and the GOP leaders will be asking for more knuckle-dragging body guards.  They won't want to have to face Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Insurance, Big Ag, and all the others and swim with the sharks. 

By next summer the mid-term election campaigning will be in full swing, so if they're to deliver on their promises, they'll have to do it before then.  The GOP will be doing their damnedest to ram something through pronto, forget thoroughness or public hearings.  Committee members will get 5 minutes each to ask questions, then it's vote time. *Wham...Bam...SOLD...SOLD...SOLD*  And of course President Trump will sign whatever Congress puts in front of him because THEY are the ones who will vote on whether to impeach/convict him and ruin his Mother-Of-All ego trips.

What should we expect between now and then? A push to finalize a tax cut in the House that will please the GOP donors, another run at getting the government out of the health insurance equation, squashing Medicaid as much as possible (we have too many poor people, don'tcha know), and maybe even squeezing Medicare and Social Security dry, too. 

I'm guessing they have 8 months to make it all happen.  By August our politicians will all be back home, looking us in the eye and telling us how much they love us.  I think the Democrats will have a pretty good chance of winning one house of Congress, spoiling the Republican's party.  Further down the road in 2020, at the rate the GOP is digging its own grave, the Democrats just might gain control of all 3 branches of government.  Then it will be their turn to rape and pillage us and glad hand their special interests.

Another day in Washington.



  1. 2021 might be too late to undo all the damage Trump and company are doing. They started selling off our national parks so Big Oil can drill, baby, drill. War with North Korea is imminent. Their tax scam is a ticking time bomb for the economy. The next Democrat president will have a lot of cleaning up to do, just like Obama. And then he/she will be blamed for everything not being instantly perfect.

  2. I compared it to the R's paying their piper. Yes, it will be a long time cleaning up. Took the New Deal D's a long time, too.

  3. I have more faith in the Democrats then you do.

    1. I hope you're right Steve. But I still think back to the bad old days when the Democrats controlled it all and they were quite fond of dipping into the pork barrel regularly. It was pretty bad. And while we'll probably disagree, I still see the recent Clinton Foundation as a license to was virtually impossible to prove the link between the foundation and Hillary's official duties. It was IMO a pretty sweet scam. The lesson learned is that NEITHER party should control the House, Senate AND White House. Checks and balances are the most ideal. Let them keep an eye on each other.

  4. Our system of government has devolved into an irreparable cesspool of cronies, lobbyists, special interest, filled with the most millionaires of any group in America. It has become a lesser-of-two evils two party system where which ever one has the wealthiest supporters wins. All the talk about the middle class is crap just to get elected. Nixon’s dirty tricks and corrupt administration was just the beginning - a playbook for those who followed.
