Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Asleep at the wheel

We now know for a fact that we're being played by Russia.  The special counsel has documented in detail how Russian agents have been active in the US since at least 2014.  For years they've used various means to sow discontent here.  They've used social media to foment unrest and divisiveness between the races....look at Ferguson and Baltimore and Charlottesville for examples.  At the same time, they've fired up both the "Build The Wall" movement and the "Save the Dreamers" movement.  They want to radicalize us.

In our recent election they were, behind-the-scenes, supporting both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, thinking they were both destined to fail.  They're no doubt right now actively stirring up the Gun Control movement, while telling the 2nd Amendment supporters they're about to lose their guns.  In all these examples they probably don't care who wins, so long as we're fighting among ourselves.

The same is happening in Europe.  I'm sure they were heartened by the UK's Brexit vote to leave the EU.  They've supported Marine Le Pen in France, and other nationalist movements elsewhere in Europe.  Their hope is to weaken the European Union with the ultimate goal of seeing it break apart.  Driving a wedge between the US and our European allies would just be icing on the cake for them.

To be polite, through all this President Trump has been asleep at the wheel.  The closest he's come to pointing a finger at what the Russians are doing is to say, "I think the Russians did it, BUT I ALSO THINK IT COULD HAVE BEEN CHINA, OR A 400 LB GUY SITTING ON HIS BED."  Not exactly a ringing endorsement of our intelligence community analysis, is it? 

To be less generous, you could say our President has been derelict in his sworn duty to protect us "from all enemies, foreign and domestic."  And make no mistake, RUSSIA IS OUR ENEMY.    Eight of the 10 men Vladimir Putin depends on to hold power are former KGB men, just like him.  We're solidly in the midst of Cold War 2.0.

It's crunch time, President Trump.  Our Congress has stepped up and voted overwhelmingly to punish Russia by imposing more sanctions.   (I can't believe I'm praising Congress!)  Now it's your turn.  If you don't act, if you don't aggressively implement Congress's will, I'm prepared to take the drastic step of labeling you a traitor.  

Yeah, that's pretty extreme.  Please don't make me say it.



  1. Factually accurate interpretation.

  2. He is a traitor. The job of the executive branch is to execute the laws passed by Congress. If he won't do this then it's time to tell him You're Fired.

  3. "interesting observation", i.e. 'you're wrong, but i don't want to just come out and say it. It's better to just hint and 'nudge nudge, wink wink'. I do love me some good passive/aggressive responses.

    Spot on post.
