Sunday, November 18, 2012

If it's cloudy out is it still "Sun day"?

Sunday, to me, is the most awkward day of the week.  Think about it:  Monday through Thursday are just regular work days.  You get up, eat, dress, go to work, blah, blah, blah.  Friday is a bit more special.  You're more likely to go out for a nicer lunch or maybe to an after-work happy hour with friends or co-workers or spousal unit.  

Saturday....ahhh, by a wide margin the most fun day of the week.  Maybe sleep in a while longer, golf or tennis or bike-ride (if that's your thing), a nice lunch or dinner out, the list of possible things to do is virtually unlimited.

Sunday on the other hand is one of those odd, in-between kind of days.  Sunday morning means for many a trip to church (or these days a trip to the 'puter for some online church), the BIG weekly edition of the newspaper, some pro football on TV (if that's your thing), and otherwise just getting yourself ready for that 'ol Monday through Thursday grind thing.  It's not really an all-out fun day like Saturday, but it isn't a work day either.  I take that back....I guess you could say "reflecting" is fun, right?

All I/we have left to do today is visit Starbuck's ("Four bucks") for a fancy coffee and an hours worth of newspaper reading.  Maybe some cow on the grill later.  I dunno.



  1. I work a weird work schedule in that I work 40 hours over 6 days (1/2 days Friday and Saturdays). So Sunday is my only completely off of work day, so its a favorite day of mine :)

    if you BBQ'd, I hope it came out great! A trip to Starbucks is always a winner for me!


  2. Steve, Betty....turns out I'm not firing up the gril until tomorrow. We have to finish off some rotisserie chicken we bought yeaterday. ;)


  3. Scott, you forgot the most important thing about Sunday: The Afternoon Nap.

    Jeez, that's what makes Sundays fun days!

  4. What I want to know is why is Sunday the first day of the week when it is biblically and in practice the last day of he week.
