Saturday, August 10, 2013

Yacht racing on the high plains, and I was there!

So last night K went to an "Arrivederci, love you / mean it" party for one of her co-workers who is going on to law school, leaving me home alone to fend for myself.  That didn't bother me at all as I actually enjoy my own company and had a plethora of books to read, a big-enough TV to watch, and more than one bottle of vino.

While channel surfing I stumbled across one of the Louis Vuitton Challenge Cup races from San Francisco.  This is the series of races that determines who the challenger will be versus the reigning champ Oracle boat in the America's Cup (yacht racing).  I was absolutely mesmerized by what these things can do!

This is Luna Rossa, the Italian entry.

What I didn't fully understand until they explained it last night, if the skipper is really on his toes and can balance his boat just right, these 72' catamarans can actually rise out of the water, riding on just a couple of curved foils (like underwater wings), the hulls never touching the water.  This reduces drag and enables them to go well over 40 mph. 

It seems to me they're as much airplane as boat.  It's like watching a ballet, the dancer precariously balanced on her tippy-toes.

I think things like this appeal to me so much because they are unlike anything I'll ever see here in Dallas, Tx, USA.  It's sort of like downhill skiing or the luge in the winter Olympics.

I wonder if people who live in the mountains ever just sit around and think, "Oh man, I'd love to see people walking on flat ground, just standing there....sweating.  I wonder if there's a cable channel that shows cool stuff like that?"

Have a great Saturday everyone.  I've gotta get going....I have a big day planned.  I'm gonna stand here on flat ground....and sweat.  :)



  1. What channel? I love that stuff. I preferred the old slower boats where strategy was perhaps more important, but these new babies are cool as well.

    1. The NBCSP channel. And it's on again today at 4 Central time. I'm going to DVR it. I heartily recommend it!

  2. Great pictures, even though half the spam I receive is from Louis Vuitton. Have a great day doing all those things you can only do when alone. That sounds a bit weird now that I read it....

    1. Haha! I'll just stick with some wine and a book, thank you. :)

  3. Scott wrote: I think things like this appeal to me so much because they are unlike anything I'll ever see here in Dallas, Tx, USA.

    Don't bet on it. Many years back some genius decided it would be good to have a place to surf in desert-city Arizona. Big Surf (you can Google it) is now 44 years old and going strong.

    1. So maybe "beachfront property in Kansas isn't so far fetched after all?

  4. I'll join you in standing on flat ground and sweating...well, and the wine and the book!

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