Sunday, August 31, 2014

I think their steroids have rotted their brains

The National Football League (or as I call it, the National FELON League) recently announced they were going to come down hard on players who commit domestic violence....something like a 6 game (?) suspension, likely to cost a player hundreds of thousands of dollars. Ouch!

So what does San Francisco 49er Ray McDonald go and do?  Commit domestic violence (allegedly).  DUH!

So here's my question:  Why do NFL owners mollycoddle their errant players who commit felonies?  Yeah, I know, "They are valuable assets".  Bull shit!  They're $%^& football players.  That's it.  Most don't have the talent to do much more than be a rag guy at a car wash if they lose their football gig.

Do you know how many, GREAT players there are who would LOVE to play in the NFL?  I say, if these thugs playing now can't act like decent human beings, then kick 'em to the curb and give a guy who has maybe a molecule or so less talent a chance.

I watch great players every weekend play college football, and I know, and THEY know, most will never make it to the NFL.  I say we put them on the ready reserve list, and put the overpaid thugs playing now on notice.



  1. Don't they put people in jail for assault?

  2. In total agreement! And not that my opinions count much, but I think they should get paid about as much as a rag guy at a car wash. Or at least a whole lot less than, oh, let's say teachers!

  3. Yeah, been a problem for years in different manifestations. It's actually seeped down to college ranks I think. I've been an Oregon fan for years, as well as an alumnus. It's money now, and while the college teams pay more attention to character to a degree, you see few teams with actual 'student athletes'...including Oregon.
    NFL and college football has long past the days of the real's about the money now, nothing more.
    Oh, I knew Roger Staubach, in the military....caught a few of his passes on base, missed many more. Last player I followed through his career.

  4. I agree with you completely, even though I don't follow football.

  5. The new rules call for a lifetime suspension for a second act.
