Friday, July 6, 2012

When have you won a debate?

When your opponent resorts to name calling. When we were kids you knew it was over when the other kid said, "Yeah, but you're fat!"  

Then during the hey-day of Saturday Night Live the line Dan Aykroyd would say to Jane Curtin was, "Jane, you ignorant slut."

Now, it's "You're pompous and arrogant."  

I guess that's progress.  ;)

Or to turn it around, how do you know when you've lost a debate?  When your wife says so.  ;)


Does anyone believe statistics anymore?  On today's news some local politician was arguing the value of giving a tax abatement (tax break) to a company if they would move to his city.  Of course another employer in the area would be a good thing, but how good?  $6.235 million dollars a year benefit, that's how good.  Really?  Not $6.364 million?  Drink 2 cups of coffee a day an you'll have 23% less chance of developing gut cancer, but if you drink 3 cups, odds are you'll have a 4% greater chance.*  Unless you use cream.  Or sugar. Then your odds....

*The odds are as high as 91% that these statistics were totally made up.


What's the deal with this heat?  It's always hot here in Texas, but new record highs are being set daily coast-to-coast.  I've figured out how I'm going to choose my candidate this November:  I'm going to vote for the one who promises to lower the temperature the most.   'Cause, you know, they're all-powerful and they never lie.

Stay cool everyone.



  1. It's sad it's been as hot in Michigan this summer as Texas. But it was a warm winter too so it shouldn't be that surprising it would carry over into summer. Go ahead and deny climate change now!

  2. climate change? weather cycles? the apocolypse? who knows - where's the Sangria!

    you always know when I have lost the debate and tell you : "you shut up" (it's sounds a lot cuter in person and I do it with a pouty face)

  3. Anyone who would debate his wife is a fool. And after 40+ years of marriage I'm finally learning that. Or to put it another way, if a man is alone in a huge forest and makes a statement and there's no woman around . . . is he still wrong?

  4. When I was growing up, debates didn't end with "Well, you're fat," this was the way they began. We're finally getting a taste of heat today in the Northwest. Eighty-five today and then a few days in the nineties, if the weather people are correct which they usually aren't. I hope you and K manage to keep cool this weekend.

  5. Our fights went
    "you're fat!"
    "I know you are but what am I?"
    "You're fat infinity no backs!"

    That ended it.

  6. I've started wondering about statistics since someone once pointed out to me that, statistically speaking, the average person has one breast and half a penis.

  7. Average? Sounds like a freak to me! ;)

  8. My AC units are struggling, so yeah I'm voting for whoever can lower the temps!
