Sunday, June 17, 2012

Doing the Father's Day thing....

Today we're driving to Foat Wuth to pay our respects to K's dad.  He's in his mid-70's and his strenuous 25 years in the Marine Corps have brought him considerable medical ailments later in life.  Still, he keeps bouncing back from surgeries and rehab that would have laid me out long ago.  He's a pretty amazing guy.

Later this evening we're being treated by my daughters to a nice meal out at Anamia's, my current favorite restaurant.  Mmmmm!  I'm so looking forward to seeing all my kids and grand kids.  :)

As for my dad...he went to a better place back in 2004.  Of course selfishly I miss him, but at the same time I'm happy for him.  I have no doubt that right now he's getting that "I love you Dad" vibe, just like I hope he does the other 364 days a year except maybe just a little more intense today. 



  1. So nice to be with the entire family....for a while anyway. I am hoping for a day with my four cranks and five crankettes at the shore this summer. It will be a first.

    Happy Pop's day my blogger friend.

  2. I have a feeling you're a great dad and grandpa, and I'm sure your family is looking forward to telling you so. Have a great Father's Day.

  3. I "became an orphan" way back in 1980. But I still think of my dad from time to time. Happy father's day, Scott.

  4. Thanks guys. I think we're all pretty lucky to have been allowed to be dad's....and to live to tell about it! haha! :)

