Thursday, September 12, 2013

Moving is like watching a train wreck in slow motion

Our move has gone completely off the tracks.  OMG, what were we thinking?

Actually our new apartment will be quite nice....when we get it all put together.  It's noticeably larger than our old apartment, and as it's more of a "loft" style it's much more open.  Yesterday SIL Donnie came over and helped me get all the furniture moved.  He was absolutely indespensible!  Thanks Donnie.  Now it's just trip after trip after trip bringing over the little stuff.

I have become such a minimalist.  I don't care how much stuff I sell, give away, or throw away, I still have too much.  The one good think to come of this so far is we have discovered that AT&T uVerse is light years ahead of Time Warner Cable.  We should have changed years ago.

Back to it.  Have a good day everyone.



  1. There's nothing like moving to illustrate just how much junk you don't really need. There'd be a lot less hoarding if everyone had to move every couple years.

  2. When we bought out place there was so much empty storage space, but now every inch is filled with stuff. Time to fill the RAV and head to the Goodwill.

  3. Moving on up huh. Is that a "DEE-lux apartment in the ski?"

  4. Movers are not that expensive. I think they're worth it.

  5. I'll link to this post when you announce the next time that you will move again.

    Couple of days and you'll have it all behind you, so hang in there!

  6. We once moved across a courtyard (because the roof fell in on our townhouse so the landlord let us move into a vacant one just across the way). In some ways that was one of our hardest moves because you think - why box everything up? Just carry armloads...and armloads...and armloads...

    1. That's what we did. a little bit at a time. but to become even more annoying .... we had to take the elevator to the 1st floor...get off...get on another elevator and take it to our new floor on the 3rd [some crack head designed this place...i love it's modern feel but really!?]

      I first started moving all the bits of stuff using a card board box perched on the grocery buggy.... but I need to take more at a time! So i changed it up to the big furniture dolly with a bigger card board box on it to hold stuff....and electrical tape is almost as handy as duct tape for strapping things down.

  7. Ah, I think both the Bug and Pat Dilloway have got it! Stay put, Scott, once this one was behind you.
