So a pirate walks into a bar and says, "Aargh....gimme a rum."
So the bartender says, "Umm, excuse me Mr. Pirate, sir, but did you know you have a ships wheel stuck in the front of your pants?"
The pirate replied, "Aargh....it's drivin' me nuts!"
Have you wiped your tech-savvy smile off your face yet? Are you still giddy? Were you too excited to sleep last night?
Me either.
Apple's long anticipated iOS7 system is finally here. I think K was the first person in line to update her phone to eye-ohs 7. She was floating on cloud 9 when she ran in to show it to me.
"Look...look! Watch this. The home screen....the background color is changed, and the icons have different designs. It's SO much more colorful!"
"Yeah, and did you notice I'm wearing a new colored T-shirt? Slick, huh?"
"Don't be a smart ass. Check this....when you look in 'my photos', they're arranged BY DATE!" *orgasmic shudder*
"Gee, you're right. This is great! I never realized how miserable I was when all my photos were just lumped in together."
Then she updated my phone with eye-ohs 7, too.
"Hey honey....how do you delete an email? I swipe it to the right and it's still there."
"Try swiping it to the left."
"But my right thumb only swipes right. It doesn't do left."
"Then use your left thumb, moron."
"But I'm hopelessly right handed. My left thumb is sorta like my appendix....it just hangs there."
"It'll learn. Maybe you can send it to one of those 'boot camps'."
I should Google that.
Arrrrr, sounds like ios7 should walk the plank! My Facebook talks like a pirate all the time, at least for the last couple years. Strangely I haven't tired of that yet.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing worse than learning new stuff is the old stuff.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Might rethink upgrading to the new phone OS.
ReplyDeleteI understand Talk Like a Pirate Day ( not really) but the rest is beyond me. But if K is happy I know you are so I am too.
ReplyDeleteMy iPad and iPod are so old, they aren't eligible for the new operating system. When my boss showed me all the new bells and whistles and stuff on his iPhone today, I got outright jealous. I want new stuff, too...*pout*
ReplyDeleteFunny about the photos...my boss got all excited that his photos were all grouped together by geographic location.