Friday, October 7, 2011

Our double standard

Yesterday on the news they played a clip where Prez O'bama said that what the big bank chiefs did (referencing the financial crisis of '08) wasn't necessarily illegal, but just unethical, therefore there isn't anything to prosecute them for.  Then numerous legal scholars chimed in saying there could be a very strong case made that there was out-and-out fraud committed by many in the financial community, but their status and political connections are preventing charges being brought.  What a rip.  If you or I pulled something like that I guarantee we'd have our fingerprints on file and a new striped wardrobe. 

While the system of government our Founding Fathers gave us is a masterpiece, the career politicians we have today and the fat cats they run with have subverted it.  This is why there are marches in the streets.  Sure, some of those protesting are just bored and looking for something to do (other than work), but many are just upstanding hard working folks finally coming to grips with the double standard that exists in this country.  What's it gonna take to really change things?


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