Friday, October 28, 2011

Talk about luck!

My wife has an abundance of it.  Several months ago she was out walking the dog and she found money blowing down the street.  Then just a few weeks ago she was walking the dog one Sunday morning and found a watch.  A pin on the band had broken and apparently the guy it belonged to (drunk?) didn't feel it fall off.  This morning K was walking the dog again and she found a cell phone.  Fortunately it still works, even after the rains we had last night, so she can trace it back to it's owner. just dawned on me.  Maybe the DOG is the lucky charm here.

Anyway, the only person I know luckier than K is my daughter, Andrea.  She spent 5 years in the US Navy, and I refer to her as "the Forrest Gump of the Navy" because she could just luck into more good situations.  Once she was inspecting a helicopter and found something amiss, so she called Quality Assurance over to take a look.  Turns out it was a HUGE deal....the Navy had a 24-hour safety stand down of their entire CH-46 fleet so they could be checked out worldwide....and this got her the award for "Sailor of the Quarter, Air Wing Pacific Fleet" (or something like that).

Then later she volunteered to help bring the USS Nimitz from its old home port in Norfolk, VA to its new home port on the west coast.  Back in San Diego she was at the gym one evening wearing sweats and a "Nimitz" baseball cap when the middle-aged guy running on the treadmill next to her said, " I see you're on the Nimitz?"  She explained she was with a helo squadron and he said he'd heard they were having trouble with their very elderly helicopters.  She said, yes, everyone thought the problem was blah blah, but she thought it was a different blah blah.

The next day she reported to work and was told to go immediately to the Admiral's office (usually not a good thing).   She arrived there to find the Admiral was the guy on the treadmill from the evening before!  He put her on a conference call with the engineers at Boeing and she told them how to fix their helicopters.  Turns out she was right, something all their "experts" couldn't seem to get a handle on.  Again, another big award came her way.  Now is that Forrest Gump-like or what?

Yep, I think I've been blessed with some lucky women in my life.  Maybe I need to get them to direct some of that "luck" towards picking winning lottery numbers.  :)



  1. Just offhand, I'd say Andrea's "luck" is more like braininess. Don't know about your wife, though.

  2. Of course, they're both very bright ladies. Still, there's nothing like being at the right place at the right time. :)


  3. The Ancient Romans thought luck was so important that they'd often risk death by desertion if the general was deemed to be unlucky. Caesar was extremely popular because he was said to be one of the luckiest people in Rome. I consider myself lucky. It's amazing how much stuff you can find in old houses, especially when the owners are away on vacation.

  4. that story about your daughter! Luckily she was able to back up her opinion.

  5. It's a funny thing about luck... I can't remember who said it (I should google it, really):

    "The harder I work, the luckier I get."

    Well, that, plus a good portion of just plain luck.
