Friday, July 15, 2011

The Silver Lining

So the crooks in Washington are locked in a Death Battle, each side wanting to "fix" things on the backs of someone else.  One party wants to preserve their special interest's privileged position while the other party is unwilling to give on programs their special interests "depend on".  And the clock ticks toward midnight.  The experts predict "catastrophe". 

Last night on the news they did people-on-the-street interviews, and coast-to-coast the attitude was disgust with Washington.

Do I dare hope for a 10-million-man march on Washington, and every state capital, and every party headquarter, and every congressional and senatorial office in every district?  Marchers with torches in their hands and snarls on their faces, demanding all the crooks abdicate office before things turn nasty.  Marchers demanding a new Constitutional Convention to update our beloved Founding Father's brilliant document that could never have foreseen how the subsequent centuries would play out.   Marchers wanting to return sanity to government and remove all the graft and greed that pervades it today.  

Do I dare hope?  *To be continued*



  1. Do I dare hope for a 10-million-man march on Washington, and every state capital, and every party headquarter, and every congressional and senatorial office in every district?

    I completely agree, though there one big problem. Generally everyone "loves" their congressperson or senator, its the other guy's politician voting for all the nasty pork that they hate.

  2. Yep, and that baffles me, Bum. I will NEVER vote for an incumbent.

