Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Are we there yet??

"There" being the day after the Royal Wedding? I'm sure there are some who are enthralled by it all, but I'm not one of them. So Bill got himself a hot girlfriend. Well, I'm happy for him. And Kate will get herself a title, and might someday be the Queen of England. That's cool, I guess.

All I know is I didn't get an invitation, which is probably just as well because I'm trying to clean out our storage and get things ready for a garage sale this weekend. I really don't have time to do the garage sale thing and then get cleaned up and jet over to England. There just aren't enough hours.



  1. You're not even allowed to kiss in Westminster Abbey? What kind of wedding is that? And I didn't get an invite either. Goodness....

    I'll watch it on TV. I'm not a big Royal follower but I did watch Charles and Di's wedding way back in the day and I want to see what K's dress looks like. As for the rest of it all, the media will keep us updated while in line at the grocery story I am sure.

  2. I am amazed at the frenzy. These traditions have a stronger hold than I ever imagine.

    Good luck to them. They will need it just like any new couple.
