Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Somethin's gotta change

Usually by Hump Day I'm beginning to get pumped about the upcoming weekend. This Hump Day I'm definitely NOT looking forward to what awaits. Why? I have to haul several truckloads of "stuff" to my daughter's house for their neighborhood garage sale.

I know I'll feel better later when I can see my dramatically cleaned out warehouse and storage room, but getting to that point is nasty, dirty, sneezy work. Why do I let myself get into this position? Why do I buy more and more stuff, then quickly shuffle it off to the closet (first stop), then on to it's final resting place (rotting place?) in storage? This is becoming an every-few-years ordeal. I need to change this pattern.



  1. The stuff owns you...

    I actually wish I had less stuff...


  2. ditto what Bobby wrote... *sigh*

  3. I tend toward the opposite... A coworker once told me I have "purchasing paralysis." When we first moved into our current house, the had to deal with an echo until we bought a new, big, overstuffed couch. Too much stuff makes me twitchy.

  4. I plan on succumbing to 'Pixel's disease'. ;)


  5. AH HA! Owning only 20 things, living out of a backpack and traveling are starting to sound like a lot more fun aren't they?! Bobby's right the stuff OWNS us, it's got us trapped!
