Monday, January 30, 2012 Luke

Many years of nagging persistent persuasion finally paid off for K this past weekend.  She got her dog.  When she and I met she already had Emma.  For whatever reason, Emma bonded with me instantly.  I couldn't go from one room to the next without her tagging along.  K said I "stole" her dog.  What can I say?  I have that effect on women.  *sarcasm at it's finest!*

For reasons I'll never understand K wanted a tiny little Yorkshire Terrier.  It's no secret this would not have been my chosen breed, but, hey, it's her dog.  I like my dogs a little more "robust".  I mean, if the canine world was a 9-course meal, Yorkies would have trouble qualifying as an appetizer. Maybe more like a mint on a pillow at bedtime. 

Some day I'll get me another dog, probably another mini schnauzer as I like everything about them.  But Luke is here, now, so I've got to walk a tightrope.  Of course I want to help take care of PLD  (Poor Little Dude), but I can't get so chummy with him that he likes me more than K.  If that happens again I will be relegated to the dog house.  (I wonder if those things come in an XL?  With maybe a big screen and a mini-fridge?)

For now Luke is behaving himself very well.  He and I can circle each other for a while longer this morning, then I must go earn money for more kibbles.  I'll be back later with a damage report.  ;)



  1. For goodness sake reel in some of that lovability and charm, both of which you no doubt have in excess! Such a cute dog. I hope K bonds with him, and then you can get your dog.

  2. Good luck keeping that cutie at a distance :)

  3. Hers or yours, I'm glad you got someone to (sort of) replace Emma Belle. I'm not big on Yorkies myself but I have to admit he's a handsome little critter.
