Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Hello, is there anyone out there?" (Pink Floyd)

Does anyone read this jibberish I write?  I'm beginning to think not, which is OK, no offense taken.  But if no one is bothering to read it, I'm not going to bother writing it.  I'll still read other's blogs because I enjoy keeping up with everyone, but topics that appeal to me don't seem to have much of an audience outside of my house.  Heck, even inside my house.  ;)



  1. Yep, yep, yep! I read it and I appreciate all your comments on my blog. Sometimes I read with my laptop curled up on the couch and I don't tend to type in comments as much. Keep it up!

  2. I'm here, still reading and enjoying your blog. Just look toward the east, where all the heat and humidity are bubbling up.

    I think blogging and commenting goes in waves, just like Facebook. Sometimes you just can't think of much to say. Sometimes I think blogs should have a "like" button, just to indicate approval without having to say much. ;-)

  3. I read you fairly consistently and often comment.
    Often I am in total agreement with your thoughts, and almost always partially so. Hope you don't quit, though the feeling is understandable.


  4. Still reading... I'm just an unfortunately poor commenter.

  5. Dude, I'm here but up to my eyeballs in nasty alligators. Hopefully I will get back on a more dependable routine sometime soon, if I don;t go rounning off screaming into the night.

  6. I've been wondering the same thing about my blogger blog... feedback is motivation!

    The last days I read but couldn't comment... I was in Prague and forgot my blogger password! lol I thought of you CONSTANTLY because of all the fabulous architecture and thought how crazy you'd go if being there. Pictures coming up soon! ;-)

  7. Well, all righty then. I'll just keep spewing out more mindless drivel. Thanks everyone for speaking up at roll call. :)


  8. In my JS days I racked up thousands of comments on dozens of blogs, but these days I can hardly find anything clever to say. But I will say this:
    It's too hot there. You should move :-)
    More cars!
    I still read here, see?

  9. Whoa Buddy! I read it! What the hell are you thinking? I actually think you are relatively close to sane.


  10. I agree with Bobby! I read every one you write, just don't comment often. Sorry.
