Friday, August 19, 2011

What a GREAT birthday gift!! :)

My wife knows me well.  She surprised me last night with my birthday (Monday) gift:  two VIP tickets to the Foat Wuth Music Festival on September 30.  One of my favorite artists, Marcia Ball, will be one of the main attractions. From what I've read the venue is heavily weighted with Blues and Jazz.   How cool is that?  

K and I decided a while back that we really didn't want any more "thing" presents, but preferred "experience" gifts, something that creates memories you can enjoy long after "things" have outlived their usefulness.  Nobody ever said, "Hey, remember that cool blue striped shirt I got back in '97?"  But a nice vacation, a favorite artist in concert....memories of those will be with you forever.  And being over a month away will give me something to look forward to, plus this summer's miserable weather should be much better (cooler) by then.

Yesterday I stepped off a curb right on to a small (unseen) piece of broken concrete, rolled my foot, and took a tumble.  I caught myself with one hand and my left knee, did a fairly graceful roll off my left side and popped back up.  I did the obligatory 360 to see if anyone saw me (read: was laughing hysterically), then ducked into my car before the pain set in.  OUCH!  Today I feel like I imagine an NFL running back feels on Monday morning, except without the million dollar paycheck in my pocket.

I suppose I should hobble off to work now.  Hope you have a fun Friday and a great weekend, too.




  1. Happy Birthday! I took a dive off my rental front porch and was able to completely roll, no ouch included. I thanked myself for learning how to fall in Judo Classes years ago...

    Yep - I'd rather have the experiences than the stuff any more. This is what it has come to....


  2. ooops, sounds like your fall was similar to mine some weeks ago... the ouchies in my wrists and knees only now are gone. I never learned to roll LOL

    THAT was a very thoughful gift!

  3. When we lived in Austin, I was lucky enough to stand just to the right of of the piano at one of Marcia Ball's gigs and got to take a good look at her piano playing. She is great! She gave me a funny look like "you're not some whacko, are you?"

  4. Happy birthday! Thumbs up on your birthday gift, thumbs down on your fall. Good thing you didn't get seriously hurt!

    For my birthday, I always ask for any of the "three C's." Chocolate, coffee, or camera stuff.

  5. Clever lady you married!

    Glad you didn't break anything. Ouch.
