Tuesday, November 22, 2011


You know the stereotypical situation where the wife, or maybe the shrink, asks, "How does that make you feel?"  I never understood that question.  My possible answers to that question would be glad, sad, tired, hungry....that's about it.  To me those are "feelings".  When asked, "What does your heart say you should do?", I go blank.  I think in very practical, concrete terms.  My heart doesn't talk, it only pumps blood, but I know X is the right thing to do, so I go with that.  Is that the same thing?  

Am I some oddball for NOT being able to think in the abstract?  I build homes.  Lumber, brick, pipes, wires.....and of course, concrete.  Could this be some insidious, subliminal emotional/physical link?  An occupational hazard?

"How do you get from here to there?"  You take I-30 west to Frog Knot, then turn north on US 94, go 6 miles.....  No, the answer the questioner is looking for is, "You go where your heart takes you, where your soul can breathe and smile."  Huh?  

I must be the dumbest rock in the quarry, because none of that kind of talk makes any sense to me.  I guess thinking in concrete terms has become some kind of societal handicap these days.  (Wonder if I can get one of those special handicap parking tags?  Oops...sorry...yet another concrete, practical thought.)


  1. So you're "abstract challenged?" Hmmnnn... I could never build a house or do much of anything that falls under the banner of practical. People come to me when they need an out-of-the-box solution. I've been told my entire life that I don't think like anyone else, and this hasn't always been said as a compliment. I haven't known you very long but you are obviously a person of considerable gifts. We need to celebrate unique gifts in ourselves as much as we do in others. There's a fortune cookie message in here someplace!

  2. I headed to college to become an electrical engineer. I dropped those plans after my first semester of Physics. I told the prof I just couldn't understand abstract concepts.

  3. you are a more feeling person then you think... otherwise you wouldn't care for Kelly, for your sweet doggie, or for us, your friends, as much as you do. You are like many men.... the feelings are there, you just don't know how to show them. But that's OK! {{{hugs}}}

  4. Oh I am so there! Concrete makes way more sense to me than abstract. But after being married to Mr. Touchy-Feely for almost 21 years I kind of have a handle on the language anyway...

  5. I'm with you - I don't "get" people who talk in nebulous terms about abstract ideas. I'm more along the lines of, "...if we need to get 12 by tomorrow, Joe can do 4 now, Jane can do 4 this afternoon, and I'll get 2 done today and 2 tomorrow. Goal achieved."

    People at work appreciate that. THAT makes me feel good!

  6. LOL how many frustrating conversations have we had now about this topic? I love you even if you never understand anything I am saying.
