Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Us vs. Them, and we're losing

I've read recently that the big financial interests, that would be commercial banks, investment banks (pretty much the same these days), hedge funds, etc, are pushing back hard against the implementation of parts of the Dodd-Frank financial reforms law.  Seems the new rules make it more difficult for them to gamble big (which means "heads they win, tails taxpayers lose"), and opens up their books for *gasp* consumers to see just how badly they're screwing us.  (They like to work in the dark, or at least in the shadows, as much as possible.)

I can see why they're pushing back, as it impacts their multi-million dollar pay and bonuses.  What I can't understand is why they have allies in Congress who are siding with them.   Well, I can understand why....Congress is bought and paid for by the "bankers".  I guess what I can't understand is why we, the electorate, keep giving these guys our votes?  It's like thanking the mugger and inviting him to meet you again next week, same time, same place. 

We need a new, third political party, a party that will represent US.  The Democrats and Republicans surely don't.



  1. Third partys never seem to work out.

  2. You're right, Bruce. To date third parties have NOT worked out. Trouble is, the two we have now certainly aren't working out (for us, anyway), and as they're firmly in the back pocket of the various special interests, I can't see that changing....ever. So what choice do we have?


  3. I agree with everything you've said. Both parties certainly accept lobbyist money in their campaigns but from where I sit one party is looking out for the middle class (of which I consider myself a member) more than the other. There's just too much money and influence peddling in Washington these days. The recent Supreme Court ruling allowing corporate and foreign money into our political system will go down in history as one of the worst decisions ever, in my opinion.

  4. It has long been that way Scott. Good to see someone speak up about it!!!
