Sunday, April 15, 2012


In the previous post I was asked what my "passion" was, so I listed automobiles, aviation, football, etc. But the more I thought about it the more I realized those are not really my "passions", but my "interests".  To me passion means waking up in the morning and immediately thinking about "it", daydreaming about "it", and rushing home after work to immerse myself in "it".  Obviously I'm not talking about erotic passion.  That's a whole other subject.  No, I'm talking about obsessive interest in a subject.  To me that's a passion.

I'm not sure I truly have a passion.  I can go to a Concours car show and enjoy it, but I'm not obsessed with it.  Nothing rivets my attention to the point I can't get enough of it.  Same with a football game, or eating a special meal, or even my job.  Especially my job.  I've never had that burning 24/7 obsession some people have with their work.  Of course, they're gazillionaires and I'm not.

I'm not sure if this makes me shallow, lazy, or just someone with undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder.  I can wake up in the morning and go in any of 10 different directions and be perfectly happy. Maybe I was the inspiration for Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Neuman.  

"What?  Me worry?"



  1. I don't think it's a problem if you don't have a particular passion. This just means you are open to many more experiences. Sometimes when you're good at something you concentrate on it so hard that you neglect other opportunities. Michelangelo never learned how to dance or play a musical instrument and at the end of his life he wrote that he might have been happy if art hadn't ruined his life. I believe the goal of life is to be happy and to spread it around. That's my passion.

  2. I had problems suggesting a "passion" because nothing really fit. Like you said, passion is more an obsession and not just an interest. And obsessions change over the years.....

  3. Oh how I used to worry about this one - finding a passion, finding a purpose, blah blah blah.

    Now I am just living utlizing the French term C'est la vie. I wake up - do the best I can all day - drink coffee, drink wine, eat good food, love a great man, have fun.

  4. Happiness is a passion.

  5. Diva....Short and to the point. Excellent analysis!


    Dorrie....You too, huh?

    Steve...."be happy and spread it around" Doesn't get any better. :)


  6. Having a lot of interests instead of just one is just as wonderful! I tend to have too many passions and am spread thin, like a fine butter.

    Great post!
